2 Cor 1.20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes and in Him are Amen to the glory of God through us.

Yesterday I got a text from Becky saying Isaac had learnt to ride a bike on his own in the garden.  Well done Isaac!  It took me back to when I learnt to ride a bike.  My dad made me a promise that he would teach me.  I must have been 5 or 6.  I remember I kept asking him when it was going to happen because my older brother had a bike and was riding it around our drive.  In our day we didn’t have balance bikes or bikes with stabilisers.  We just had heavy old Raleigh bikes and had to keep trying till we didn’t fall off.  So true to his word one Saturday morning my dad announced, “today I’m going to teach you to ride a bike”.  We set off together on a two mile walk to the next town where my dad had arranged to pick up a second-hand bike for me.  On the journey home he showed me how to push off and keep peddling, so I stayed on.  I must have fallen off at least ten times and landed in the bushes or on the grass BUT by the end of the journey I was riding my newly acquired bike. Over the next few days all I wanted to do was get out of my house and ride around on that bike.

My dad on this occasion was true to his promise. The interesting part in fulfilling the promise was that that I had to be involved too.  I had to be willing to get on the bike and persevere until I didn’t fall off.  God makes promises to us as his people, lots of promises, but to see them fulfilled we need to be involved.  ‘The promises of God are always yes and amen through us’.  He promises us eternal life, but to receive the blessing of that, we need to believe in the Lord Jesus.  He promises to always be with us, but to enjoy that promise we need to talk to him and spend time with him.  He promises to give us a hope and a future and to provide for us, but we need to get up each day and work hard, as well as spend time enjoying what he gives us.  Someone has counted all the promises of God to us through the bible and there are over 7000 of them. God never fails on his promises like we sometimes do.  He can be trusted.

We have a part in claiming those promises over our own lives, our spheres of influence and over the place we live.  Are there promises over your life still to be fulfilled?  It’s good to remind God of them sometimes, and then listen to him to see your part in the fulfilling of them.  He is very interested in seeing his promises fulfilled, just like my dad was, in keeping his promise to teach me to ride a bike.


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Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

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