So if the son sets you free you will be free indeed. John 8.36

We were looking at quiz questions last night ready for Thursday and I asked Di when Rudolf Nureyev the famous ballet dancer defected from Russia to the West. He managed to escape in 1961 in the height of the Cold War, despite the best efforts of the KGB to stop him. This was just after his ballet company, The Kirov ballet performed in France.  In an interview later, he stated that he just wanted to be free. He went on to inspire thousands with his flamboyant performances all over the world.

Many feel imprisoned in the lockdown and many are waiting to be free again. They can’t wait for the chance to go out and meet with friends, eat in restaurants, shop without queuing, and travel to holiday destinations.

But Christian freedom is not to do with outward physical restraint, but about being set free on the inside. The Bible sets out laws for us to keep, but however hard people try, they fail to keep them and please God. In fact, they do the opposite. The wonderful truth of the Christian message is that Jesus came to set us free from having to obey a set of rules. Through his death and resurrection, he paid the price for all our wrongs and gave us the ability to be free to love him, serve him and live our lives to glorify him.  He wrote his law on the inside, in our hearts, and by his grace we can now live to please him. This is a wonderful freedom.

When you next feel trapped or imprisoned, why not focus your thoughts on Jesus and spend a few moments giving thanks for your freedom. Can you add to this list? I’m free from the law of sin and death,  free to obey God, free from the sins of my youth, free to worship and sing praise to God, free to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, free to talk about Jesus to others and free to enjoy his presence all day. (there is no curtain to keep you out) ….

….. So if the son sets you free you will be free indeed.



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Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

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