Praise the Lord, O my soul.

There was a time when I lived in Aston (where the Pottery is now) and worked in Oxford.   Each morning I would leave home just after 7am and cycle the 5 miles into Witney. There I would leave the bike at a friend’s house and get picked up by another friend.  4 of us then shared the daily battle with Oxford’s rush-hour traffic, and eventually I would be dropped off in Summertown to walk the final half mile to my job.  In the evening I would do the whole thing again in reverse.   
Thinking about all that now, it sounds pretty demanding.  But on reflection I realise there are several remarkable signs of God’s blessing:

I owned a home (at least, the Building Society allowed me to think I did).  Many millions of people today live in ramshackle huts, lean-to’s, refugee tents, or even on the street.

I had a job that I mostly enjoyed.  Many people have lost jobs through the Coronavirus pandemic, causing widespread anxiety, uncertainty and misery.

I lived in a relatively peaceful society and had no real anxiety about my personal security.  Thousands today exist in conditions of modern day slavery.

I had good enough health to cycle part of my journey.  In many parts of the world, the arrival of a bicycle on the scene would transform a family’s life – as if someone gave us a top of the range Mercedes.                           

I had friends I could share my travel, and my life, with.    Many today feel lonely, isolated, unloved.

I had a wonderful wife and four gorgeous daughters (and still have).   So many are innocent victims of divorce, abuse, or unnecessary early death.

I could eat three times a day.   How many children survive on one very basic meal per day – and how many do not survive?

I could worship freely, any way I chose, without fear of opposition or persecution. Millions live in fear of arrest, imprisonment, beating and even death, simply because they believe in Jesus.

I could travel to a great many countries without problems (if I saved up enough!)   An unimaginable privilege for most of the world’s population.

These blessings probably put me in the top 5 percent of the word’s population.

The old song says ‘Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done’.   How dare I complain, grumble, or moan to my wife, or to God, in any way at all?


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Gathering Times

Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

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