Heb. 11.21 It was by faith Jacob when he was old and dying, blessed each of Jacob’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.

I am inspired by this story about Jacob when at the end of his life he blessed both of Joseph’s sons. It was a special grandfather’s blessing with a difference. What is significant about the story is that he was listening to God. Instead of blessing the firstborn son (Manasseh) first with his right hand as the tradition would have been, he crossed over his hands and blessed the younger son (Ephraim) first with his right hand and then the oldest with his left hand. Even when their father Joseph tried to correct what he thought was a mistake, Jacob assured him that he knew what he was doing.

It’s good to be listening to God in the little details of life as well as the big things. Yesterday I needed to collect the tools I had left with my son in London the day before. I wanted to ask Di to come with me and was about to ask her in the morning before our church meeting on Zoom to give her plenty of notice to plan and get used to the idea. But I felt as if the Holy Spirit say “Not now but after the meeting” so I waited.

The morning meeting went well with lots of people contributing as well as good numbers being there. We worshiped, prayed, broke bread, listened to the message and ended up praying healing for people. I came away feeling encouraged, and Di was too after she contributed well. I then took the step of asking Di if she would like to come down to London to see the twin grandchildren and collect my tools with me. This would be her first big trip out after not being well with a non-covid virus and sore throat for over a month. I have to admit I was expecting a no, but she thought about it for a few moments and said, “Yes I think I would like to go.”

We had a delightful, fun time with our twin grandchildren. Di took lots of pictures of them jumping into the ball pool and coming up for cuddles. We got fed delicious Tacos, which we were not expecting and got home in good time without taking any wrong turnings!

I am quite certain if I had asked Di in the morning with the pressure of all that was going on in preparations for the meeting, Di would probably have said no. Asking her when the pressure was off was by far the better way. I had company on the 100 mile plus journey, the grandchildren met up with their granny and got special attention, and we returned home tired but happy.

I want to be listening to God each day. I think his plans and his ways are far better than mine.


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Feel free to either email us at church4community@gmail.com
or go to the Contact page and get in touch using the form

Gathering Times

Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

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