Matt 4.19 “Come follow me” Jesus said “and I will make you fishers of men”

 Since lockdown I have been available to do bike repairs outside our house, and I am still earning part of my living doing this. Two of us now work on the bikes each afternoon, and we often have a number of visitors. One of those visitors is an older retired guy who works at a local bike shop.  Because of his age he is vulnerable and therefore not at work. We work outside so he enjoys coming to help us out for something to do! Since he probably knows more about bikes than anyone in Henley, we are always pleased to see him.  When we get stuck with a problem, we ask his advice and he always comes up with brilliant suggestions and answers. He doesn’t take over or do it all himself but explains to us what to do and helps us do it. We offer him money, but he will not accept, so we treat him with tea and coffee and chocolate biscuits and make sure we thank him. We are both learning so much through his help and as a result are becoming much better bike mechanics.

 When I first became a Christian, I was expected to grow in my faith by going to church on Sundays, reading my bible and praying. It was not until I read a book called “Disciple” by an Argentinian pastor, Juan Carlos Ortiz, that I realised I was missing something. He showed how Jesus challenged his disciples and then walked alongside them, as they tried to do the same things he did. After a period of training, they were released to do the same with others.

 When we moved to Aston in Oxfordshire, I knew I needed to have someone help me grow, so I asked the pastor of the Baptist Church I attended to disciple me.  He agreed and 35 years later we are still friends and have had countless trips together to other nations to teach and pray for healing. All those years ago, he had vision for my life, prayed with me and for me and walked alongside me through some big challenges in my life. I am very thankful for that discipleship.

 I am also grateful to be part of a church movement that embraces discipleship and does not leave Christian growth just to meetings and individual bible study and prayer.

 Can I ask you how you are growing as a believer and whether you have someone alongside you helping you to become more Christ like? Improving our ability as bike mechanics is irrelevant to all but a few but being trained with others to become more like Jesus, and become fishers of men, is for every believer. Are you still growing as a believer?


Contact info

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or go to the Contact page and get in touch using the form

Gathering Times

Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

Events / Calendar

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