Sunday Worship
Bridlewood SchoolSpeaker: Geoff Chad
Speaker: Geoff Chad
We're meeting outside Bridlewood School at 7pm to pray first for the school, before going around the neighbouring streets. Join us if you can.
Speaker: Tom Lafford We will also be breaking bread together
Speaker: Geoff Chad
Speaker: Arnaldo and Shona Fernandez-Arias will be visiting us from Spain
This Sunday there will be no meeting at Bridlewood...instead join us at Supernatural Advance. Day tickets are available as follows- Adults £35 in advance £40 on the door Couple £70 in advance £80 on the door 2 Parent Family £75 in advance £90 on the door 1 Parent Family £40 in advance £45 on the door
Speaker: Geoff Chad
We're meeting at Chris+Ola's at 7pm before going around the neighbouring streets and praying for the area Join us if you can.
This Sunday we will be meeting together at the Blunsdon Arms (SN25 2NA) at 12:30 for a Sunday pub lunch. Come join us!