What, When and Where

If you would like to join us, please go to the Contact page and get in touch.

Our main meeting is on Sundays at 4pm at The Well in Abbey Meads, North Swindon.

We occasionally meeting somewhere else –  for more info, please check the Events page.

We also plan fun events like beach trips, barbecues, cycle rides, skittles nights, etc – just because we like being together and meeting new people. And of course we have some more serious things like Alpha courses, Marriage Courses and Commitment courses from time to time. Details in Events.

We are part of an international family of churches called Salt and Light.

We are always pleased to hear from anyone who has questions. So if you need help, are curious about the spiritual side of life or just want to know when the next event is, do feel welcome to drop us an e-mail.

Click here for more of our other projects


Contact info

Feel free to either email us at church4community@gmail.com
or go to the Contact page and get in touch using the form

Gathering Times

Meetings start at 4pm at The Well and are followed by tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake (we do occasionally meet somewhere else, please refer to the Events page)

We meet each Wednesday evening, usual in a home in North Swindon

Events / Calendar

Upcoming Events